Yujun Choi
Postdoctoral Associate at Virginia Tech
Research Experience
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sep. 2018 - Aug. 2023
PhD program at Robert Joynt group in Department of Physics
Study on the role of noise sources in pulse-induced resonance frequency shift of semiconductor qubits
Study on the effect of driving field on charge noise sources in semiconductor quantum dot devices
Investigation of the origin of 1/f noise with noninteracting and interacting noise dipole model
Noise characterization of semiconductor quantum dot devices by using anisotropy in relaxation and dephasing times
Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
Mar. 2014 - Aug. 2017
Yonsei-KIST Academia-Research-Industry Collaborate Program at Center for Quantum Information in KIST
Experimental realization of a noisy CNOT gate with linear-optic elements and data analysis of the noisy CNOT gate with respect to a preset noise parameter
Preparation and tomography of ququart states using polarization and time-bin modes of a single photon
Generation of non-zero quantum discord in a two-qubit state using the second-order interference of laser
Proof-of-principle experiment of Plug-and-Play measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sep. 2018 - Aug. 2023
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
Thesis: Characterization of Noise Sources in Semiconductor Qubit Devices
Yonsei University
Mar. 2014 - Aug. 2017
Master of Science in Physics
Thesis: Quantum Information Processing using Classical and Quantum Interference
Yonsei University
Bachelor of Science in Physics
Mar. 2010 - Feb. 2014